Step Away from the Alfred Dunner!

Just in case you don’t know, Alfred Dunner is a manufacturer of women’s clothes, mostly for the “Mature Woman”. My mother wore mostly Alfred Dunner clothes. I have to admit, they are improving in their designs, but to those in the know, it is easily recognizable.   Because this was my mother’s brand, it became my brand when I was in my thirties and continued through my forties and fifties and somewhat into my sixties. When asked, I like to say I’m seventy, but I’m only 68, such a boring number. I like to hear people say seventy!! No way! You look far too young.   (Boastful grin usually appears about now)  I have to admit, it was a bit unsettling to go to places and to see women in their eighties and nineties wearing my clothes.

What saved me??   My daughter and granddaughter were the first to say, “Mom, you are too young to be wearing that.”   When we would go shopping and I gravitated toward the Alfred Dunner rack, I would here this refrain “Step Away From the Alfred Dunner!!!”   They also encouraged me to watch the show “What not to Wear” where I gained a knowledge about style and fashion.   I educated myself about what looked good on me and what really did make me look older than I am. As I started shopping with a different mindset I started to feel my age. Not my physical age, but my mental youthful age. You know…sexy. My stock of Alfred Dunner has left my closet and found a home with Goodwill for some little old lady to ooh and ah over.  My apologies to Alfred Dunner, you do have a place in this world, just not my world.

Yes, you can be tastefully wear age appropriate clothes and still dress youthful. Age appropriate does not have to translated into “little old lady”, but more timely. Think about Sophia Loren or Raquel Welch, they got the memo.   And ladies, please don’t cut all your hair off when you get older, not unless you look really cute in short cut. I have several friends in their seventies and eighties and one of the first things I noticed about their approach to getting older was to stop fixing their hair and stop wearing making up. Oh, and don’t only buy Rockport Walking shoes.   I had to give up wearing heels, but there is a world of reallllllllllllllly cute flats out there and boots, must not forget really cute boots.   See ladies, it’s the mindset.   Every day I fix my hair, put on my makeup and make sure my nails are polished. It doesn’t matter if I’m going to work, an event, or just staying home to clean.   I’m not dressing for the world; I do it because it makes me feel good and there is the bonus that my husband kind of likes it too. (Big grin and wink would appear about now.)

As I get older I find that there are lots of things that we need to say “Step away from the Alfred Dunner” in other words, don’t do things that age us prematurely.   I’ve noticed it over the years that certain phrases appeared with my aging parents, family, and older friends.

List of things not to say.

  • Oh, I’m too old to wear that.
  • I can’t keep up with technology; I’m too old to learn new things.
  • Next year I hope to (fill in the blank), If I’m still living.   (I really hate this one)
  • But…I’ve always done it this way.
  • Oh, I don’t expect to live much past 60 or 70.
  • People my age shouldn’t ….

I truly believe you are what you think. Think young, think fun, think joy, and think positive and count your blessings. Don’t grow old before you time.  Take care of yourself spiritually, mentally, and physically.    God gave us an awesome life, don’t waste it.   Next time you find yourself slipping into negative thinking or find yourself trying to “act your age”, just say to yourself….Step away from the Alfred Dunner.

About It's the Thought That Counts

I don't consider myself a true a blogger, but from time to time I have thoughts and musings, that I want to release from my inner mind and see the words. Maybe, just maybe, someone will find my musings thoughtful and maybe even helpful.
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7 Responses to Step Away from the Alfred Dunner!

  1. Martha Korbuszewski says:

    1. I will never cut my hair short- it’s long and grey and I get compliments. Too many older women look like men when they have short hair. I swore to my husband that I will never have “helmet”-style hair perms that I see so many older women have nor wear polyester clothing. It was several years ago that I observed the Alfred Dunner clothes line in department stores and was totally not into buying them. Many older women wear polyester (a lot of stores only have these types of clothing for this demographic and it makes one think they are destined (i.e., doomed) to wear polyester; there are so many beautiful soft fabrics out there one can wear instead. Polyester fabrics are too hot to wear and don’t let your skin breathe plus their patterns are boring. Growing up during the sixties and seventies helped me to see how yucky the older clothing styles and hair styles were for older women. Shudder!!!! I’m no hippie but thank God I saw the light!
    2. When we had to learn how to document our medical reports on the hospital computers, I discovered I could do it and it was actually FUN! Since then I, with patience and perseverance, was able to solve computer problems and glitches without needing IT to help me on other jobs that required use of computers.
    3. The “Help I’ve Fallen” mantra WILL NEVER BE ME- I WILL GET UP before the paramedics arrive!

    • nycboitoi says:

      Lol Sssuuuurreeee…I bet it’s lovely and you get all the compliments.

      Lady, please. 🤣😂🤣

    • It's the Thought That Counts says:

      You go girl! My hair was red but is now salt and paprika. I have to use a cane now because of muscle issues. Attitude is what counts. I refuse to call myself handicap, I’m inconvenienced. I have made my canes a fashion accessory. I have about 12, all have names and bought to coordinate with my wardrobe. My favorite cane is “Marco”, it’s antique maps. My black and white cane is “Pepe”.

  2. Liz Biggart says:

    Regarding Alfred Dunner’s “matronly clothes”, let me say this. Dunner clothes may not be for the younger or even middle-aged set but anyone elderly wearing them like myself has found them very comfortable and becoming and styled very well. A little pricey, perhaps, but you get what you pay for. When old age takes over (and it will) no amount of youthful clothing will look well on an older person because one’s stature shortens, one’s posture change, one’s measurements change, but you can choose one of many many pants styles and cuts. There is an old saying “Mutton dressed like lamb”. I have always received compliments on my Dunner outfits as they fit well, cover what they should, “give” where they should, they hold their shape after washing and the styles are classic. On the other hand I see some less “matronly” clothes on people which are ill-fitting, revealing, and meant to be sexy. That’s fine for them, but I and my friends like Dunner because wearability and care are a big factor along with comfort and value.

    • It's the Thought That Counts says:

      Actually, I do like Alfred Dunner. I have some items that are 10 – 15 years old and still look like new. I think the line has lots of very flattering clothes for any age and have gotten less “Matronly” over the years. For any age, forget the brand name and buy what looks good and is flattering.

  3. nycboitoi says:

    lmao yeah, I’ll bet you look really young for your age and hear that ALL the time. Hahahaha Face it – no one is saying that to you, and it’s so cringe-y how you said a “beautiful” grin appears on my face and “wink.” Also, if women want to cut their hair And wear rockports, so WHAT?

    Do you truly think you’re rocking shoulder-length post- 70 fried, dull hair that is NOT going to fool anyone into thinking you’re 35?

    You’re sad.

    • It's the Thought That Counts says:

      LOL Actually I do look younger than my age, not so much my clothes, but my skin (thanks to good family genes) and my hair is not short or shoulder-length, just average mid length. It used to be red, but it has faded to a kind of strawberry blonde. I call it salt and paprika. I agree, that women should cut their hair in a style that they like and suits them, whatever age. Actually, Rockports are pretty darn comfortable. I really don’t try to look 35, I just try to take care of my self and look and feel the best I can.

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